Monday, November 02, 2015

The Company of Strangers - Gallery at Bayside

This exhibition presents and explores the aspect of the polymath in Percy Grainger's personality and in those 
of contemporary Australian practitioners. John Brooks, Dylan Martorell, Alasdair McLuckie, Rebecca Monaghan, 
Darren Sylvester and Kate Tucker have each responded to objects held in the Grainger Museum, 
producing tactile works that push the boundaries of popular aesthetics and social norms.  

The Gallery at Bayside Arts and Cultural Centre
Corner Carpenter and Wilson Streets,
Brighton, VIC, 3186
03 9592 0291
Weds to Fri 11am - 5pm, Sat and Sun 1pm - 5pm
- See more at:

From The Collection Benella Art Gallery

From the Collection: Gertrude Contemporary Regional Residencies, Chapter ThreeArtists: Sarah crowEST, DAMP, Nathan Gray, Dylan Martorell
Curated by Emily Cormack
Benalla Art Gallery
Botanical Gardens
Bridge Street, Benalla, Victoria 
Exhibition Dates: 5 September – 25 October 2015
Opening Celebration: Saturday 5 September 2015, 2-5.30pm
Gertrude Contemporary is pleased to present From the Collection: Chapter Three at Benalla Art Gallery, which is the third and final exhibition in the From the Collection series. This series of exhibitions has seen eighteen of Australia’s most innovative contemporary artists explore the permanent collections of three regional art galleries (previous venues are Warnambool Art Gallery and Latrobe Regional Gallery), using them as a starting point for twelve major new art commissions. For Chapter Three of the project, curator Emily Cormack has invited artists Sarah crowEST, Nathan Gray, Dylan Martorell, and artist collective DAMP to respond to Benalla Art Gallery’s collection.
Each of the selected artists has ventured into the vaults of the Benalla Art Gallery, spent time in the region, and in the process have uncovered a wealth of artworks and objects that they have then transformed and embedded into their own practices. DAMP has selected works from the BAG collection to be reconfigured as paintings on the surfaces of ceramic vessels. The seemingly simple transposition of a painting from canvas to ceramic is complicated by a gesture of violence: first, DAMP smashes the ceramic object, then they paint its broken pieces, and finally they reconstruct the ceramic object to produce a ‘subjective interpretation’ of the original artwork. crowEST has made a series of Ned Kelly-esque costumes (comprising masks, smocks and collars) inspired by works from the BAG collection, including The Lady in Pink by William Dobell, Beach Scene by Clarice Beckett, and Listening by Danila Vasilieff. Gray has produced a performative sound artwork by treating the object files in BAG’s collection database as a score that has the potential to be enacted. And Martorell has created interactive sound sculptures that sonify paintings from the BAG collection that he considers to be in some way already ‘noisy.’ Martorell’s selection includes paintings by Sally Smart, Turkey Tolson, Siri Hayes, and Robert Jacks.
In contrast with the previous two chapters of From the Collection, this exhibition specifically invites the viewer to physically engage with the artworks—focusing on ideas of play, improvisation and the handmade. For instance, DAMP will present a ceramic painting workshop where audiences will have the opportunity to make their own ceramic sculptures and potentially display these alongside the artists’ works (more details below). Visitors to the exhibition will also be invited to try on crowEST’s collection of hoods and tunics, which feature text and imagery lifted from works in the collection.
The artists in Chapter Three build instruments, write scripts, compose scores, make sounds, sew costumes, and paint ceramics—all offering multiple opportunities for visitors to Benalla Art Gallery to explore their own expressions of creativity, and to rethink their local art collection.
Public programs on Saturday 5 September 2015:
12-2pm — Ceramic painting workshop with artists collective DAMP (Bookings essential on 03 5760 2619. For ages 15+)
2pm — Exhibition tour with Gertrude Contemporary curator Emily Cormack
2-5.30pm — collaborative durational performance by Sarah crowEST and Nathan Gray
4 - 5.30pm — Exhibition opening. Guest speaker Emily Cormack, Curator, Gertrude Contemporary 
Public programs on Sunday 6 September 2015:
12-2pm — Ceramic painting workshop with artists collective DAMP (Bookings essential on 03 5760 2619. For ages 15+)
From the Collection is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria. This project has also been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. This project also received development funding from the National Exhibitions Touring Service (NETS) Victoria.
RSVP: Wednesday 2 September 2015
+61 3 5760 2619 or
Media release here.

Eye - Score : The Audible image


Tue, 22 Sep 2015 - Sun, 1 Nov 2015
Town Hall Gallery, 360 Burwood Road,
Hawthorn, VIC 3122
Open your eyes to the sight of sound in an exploration of the auditory impact of the visual arts. Eye-score: The Audible Image looks at artworks that trigger a feeling of sound in the viewer. Whether evoking the memory of music, hinting at compositional rhythms or stimulating impressions of noise, these artworks activate multisensory responses.
There is no sound in these works, only the visual indication of it. Not unlike synaesthesia, the condition by which the ‘sufferer’ hears vision or sees sounds, this exhibition presents artworks that look like they sound, and sound like they look.
Featuring John Aslanidis, Angela Cavalieri, Carmen Chan, Catherine Clover, Michael Graeve, Dylan Martorell, John Nixon and Danae Valenza.
Image: ASLANIDIS, John, details from Sonic Network No. 15 (2014), oil and acrylic on linen, © Courtesy of the artist and Edwina Corlette Gallery.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Guiguis New Art Prize 2015

The Guirguis New Art Prize (GNAP)



Sat 11 Apr - Sun 31 May 2015



The Guirguis New Art Prize (GNAP) is a $20.000 national, acquisitive, biennial,

contemporary Art Prize administered by Federation University Australia's Arts

Academy Initiated and generously supported by local Ballarat surgeon Mr Mark

Guirguis,this prestigious Art Prize showcases a selection of Australia's most exciting

 contemporary artists in Ballarat, Victoria.

In 2015, the major award of $20,000 will be presented to the winning artist

for the most outstanding single work of art from a pool of 15 Australian

shortlisted finalists' presented in an exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ballarat

and FedUni's Post Office Gallery, Ballarat from Saturday 11 April to Sunday

31 May 2015.

The list of GNAP15 finalists are Chris Barry (VIC), Chris Bond (VIC),

Teelah George (WA), Julie Gough (TAS), Louise Hubbard (VIC),

Susan Jacobs (VIC), Jess Johnson (VIC), Ross Manning (QLD),

Dylan Martorell (VIC), Pilar Mata-Dupont (WA), Kate Mitchell (NSW),

Dominic Redfern (VIC), Mark Shorter (NSW), Conrad Tipungwuti (NT)

and Jemima Wyman (QLD).

The Art Gallery of Ballarat and Post Office Gallery will be open from 10am

 to 5pm daily. Entry is free.

GNAP is presented in association with the Art Gallery of Ballarat.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Slow Art Collective (Chaco Kato, Dylan Martorell) Edgar Hechavarria Ricardo, 

students from Castlemaine Secondary College

Loomūsica is the Castlemaine State Festival’s signature arts mentorship 

project bringing together Slow Art Collective, Cuban artist Edgar 

Hechavarria Ricardo, and students from Castlemaine Secondary College. 

Together they will create a site-specific installation that honors the 

manufacturing history of the former Castlemaine Woollen Mills.

Utilising re-purposed materials found on site and incorporating 

kinetic sculpture, robot components and basic DIY electronics, 

Loomūsica plays with the notions of loom and harp.

more information :

the object as score - margaret lawrence gallery VCA

The Object As Score




Sean Baxter, Matthew Day, Nathan Gray, Helen Grogan, Laresa Kosloff, Igor Krenz, 

Dylan Martorell, Stuart Sherman, Charlie Sofo, Torben Tilly, Danae Valenza with 

performances by Ernie Altoff, Sean Baxter, Arini Byng, Matt Day, Helen Grogan, 

Shelley Lasica and Katie Lee, Joel Stern. Curated by Nathan Gray.

Identifying a strand of thought in local and international interdisciplinary art

making, The Object as Score presents works that recognise the potential objects

might hold for action and interaction. The Fluxus artists, as students of John

 Cage, utilised the simple written score that he had developed with 4’33” –

 his silent work, which consists of the musical term ‘tacet’ (to wait) as the

 sole instruction for each movement. The Fluxus 'event score' was a direct

development of the written notation of 4’33”that used the brevity and

potentiality of language as a compact method of transmitting

ideas for performance. It was the multivalence of language that

allowed these performances to be open,indeterminate or even

impossible. Using the object as a score in sculpture, contemporary

improvised music and performance at large, this exhibition does not

explore language as a medium for the transmission of open performance

works, rather it employs the object as stand-in for the written score,

recognising it as a provocation for action.

Events and performances

Friday 6 March, 12.30 pmSean Baxter – Schmelzwerk

Torben Tilly – artist floor talk

Saturday 7 March, 2:30 pm Matthew Day - Weighting (2015)

Ernie Althoff

Helen Grogan – CONCRETE ROOM (2005-) and LIGHT (2003)

Saturday 14 March, 2:30 pm  Matthew Day - Weighting (2015)

Saturday 21 March, 2:30 pm  Matthew Day - Weighting (2015)

Arini Byng - Ready for the House

Joel Stern

Shelley Lasica and Katie Lee – Possibility of Performance

Saturday 28 March, 2:30pm   Matthew Day - Weighting (2015)

40 Dodds Street
 Southbank VIC 3006 Map

Gallery Hours

Tuesday - Saturday

12pm - 5pm