Site Overlay / Acoustic Survey
By artist Geoff Robinson
Site Overlay / Acoustic Survey is a series of three events using sound, performance and installation to explore the relationship between three Melbourne interior, exterior, built and botantical environments. Featuring performance contributions by local artists Ernie Althoff, Tim Catlin, Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, Matthew Davis, Aviva Endean, Helen Grogan, Rosalind Hall, Dylan Martorell and Charlie Sofo.
Site Overlay / Acoustic Survey makes use of rich site-specific sound recordings to present one-hour long performances, exploring the sounds and spaces of three diverse inner-city locations. In the events Robinson presents a sonic and spatial collage, overlaying the sounds of each site with those of another. The events will present audiences with a new insight into the sonic environments of the RMIT Design Hub rooftop, the Forest Gallery at the Melbourne Museum and Long Island at the Royal Botanic Gardens.
Each event will surround audiences with recorded and live sound performance, presenting an immersive and participatory exploration of the artist’s interest in sound collage and mapping our sonic experiences of public space.
The Site Overlay / Acoustic Survey project is supported by Experimenta Media Arts and funded by the Arts Development Project Grants through Arts Victoria.
Site Overlay/Acoustic Survey dates:
Friday 29 November, 7pm - 8pm, RMIT Design Hub (Rooftop level)
Saturday 30 November, 3pm - 4pm, Melbourne Museum (Forest Gallery)
Sunday 1 December, 1pm - 2pm, Royal Botanic Gardens (Long Island)
Performers: Ernie Althoff, Tim Catlin, Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, Matthew Davis, Aviva Endean, Helen Grogan, Rosalind Hall, Dylan Martorell and Charlie Sofo.
Rooftop Pavilions,
RMIT Design Hub
Level 10, Building 100,
Corner Victoria & Swanston Streets,
Carlton, Melbourne
Forest Gallery,
Melbourne Museum11 Nicholson Street,
Carlton, Melbourne
Enter via Nicholson or Rathdowne streets.
Long Island, Royal
Botanic GardensBirdwood Avenue, Melbourne.
Closest entrance, Gate H
off Alexandra Avenue